Who Are We?
We are patients and carers working together as equals with Doctors, Nurses, Cancer Managers and other professionals to help improve the patient journey. Some of our members come to the forum as representatives of their cancer support groups.
What Do We Do?
We are an integral part of the local provision of cancer services, by listening to patients and carers we can present your views and ensure your voices are heard at local Trust meetings and at regional/national levels. We meet monthly to:-
• Exchange views
• Identify issues
• develop solutions
• implement improvements
Please note, whilst many of our members find these groups supportive they are not support groups, details of local support groups can be found within the pages of your local groups.
How Can You Help?
Membership of the forum is open to anyone who has been touched by cancer If you would like to speak to one of us please phone 07504 120315 or e mail cancerforum@hotmail.co.uk or use our contact page.
What We Do For You?
As a forum we offer many opportunities to become involved in local and national cancer service provision.
Reimburse all of our members for any travel costs whilst attending training courses and meetings.