Below are a series of specially developed Macmillan online courses which you can use at any time, courses below are free to use when you register an account. This gives you full access to all the resources available on Learn Zone. Here are some we think you might be interested in:
Introduction to Cancer
This brand new course uses a variety of learning tools to increase your understanding of cancer. It explores questions such as, “what is cancer?”, “how does diagnosis and treatment work?” and “what’s the financial, practical and emotional impact?”.
Family Matters
This brand new course looks at cancer -related issues in the family. It provides advice on complex areas such as, “Drawing up a Will”, “Arranging Probate” and “Parental Responsibility”.
Relaxation Corner
This brand new resource is a set of videos with guided audio downloads for deep relaxation, stress management, natural sleep and pain management. These easy-to-follow programmes involve guided meditation with stories, music and natural sounds.
Good Practice in Running your Group
This brand new course has been designed to enable individuals to set up and run a cancer support group in which the members of the group can share experiences and support each other.
Buddying and Befriending
This brand new course discusses what it is to be a befriender and the topics that arise for this role. These topics include “What is a befriender?” and “Dealing with difficult situations”
Cancer in the Workplace: Employee Perspective
This brand new course helps employees deal with issues involving cancer and work. It contains numerous documentary style video clips which focus on particular scenarios along with advice from professionals on how to deal with issues that arise.
Cancer in the Workplace: Employer Perspective
This brand new course helps employers deal with issues involving cancer and work. It contains numerous documentary style video clips which focus on particular scenarios along with advice from professionals on how to deal with issues that arise.
Cancer in the Workplace: union representatives
This brand new course helps union representatives deal with the increasingly common situation of supporting an employee who is diagnosed with cancer. It contains numerous documentary style video clips which focus on particular scenarios along with advice from professionals on how to deal with issues that arise.
Benefits Awareness
This course raises awareness of the impact that cancer can have on the lifestyles of those affected by cancer, and of the benefits and financial help available to them.
User Involvement
User involvement is a wide, multi-faceted subject encompassing many different ways of working, levels, methodologies and theories.
Equality and Diversity: a guided tour
This e-programme offers a guided tour of the resources within Learn Zone which deal with Equality and Diversity issues.