The hospital has a leaning disability page on its intranet where staff can access a host of information on learning disability, access to easy read information and the hospital communication book. The learning disability service has produced easy read information on “What is Cancer” treatments for cancer, “What is a Macmillan Nurse” and “What is Palliative Care” available via the hospital intranet for staff or via
The Shrewsbury & Telford Hospital Trust has a full time vulnerable adult’s lead who works across both sites supporting all staff with Safe Guarding/Mental Capacity Act and deprivation of liberty safeguards.
The trust has a partnership arrangement with the South Staffordshire and Shropshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust’s learning disability service who provide a Health Access Nurse full time post; who has a clinical caseload of patients who are accessing or are inpatients at the hospital at the RSH site. This is mirrored at PRH with the learning disability service provide by Telford and Wrekin PCT. A link nurse group is facilitated at both sites by these post holders who meet every other month.
Both the leaning disability services provide a regular session of mandatory training to the maternity services as part of their mandatory training update. There is plan under way to roll training out across the wider Trust once Management of Change is complete.
The hospital communication book has been printed by the SaTH and a laminated copy given to all clinical areas this year.
There is a carers bleep in theatre north (day surgery unit) recovery (RSH)for use when patients go into theatre and carers can be contacted once in recovery.
There is a Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital Steering Group which are working on the above and have reviewed the “Guidelines for the care of a person with a learning disability when in Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital” which is out for consultation now. This has seen the development of a Shropshire wide hospital /patient passport in line with the Mencap “Getting it Right” campaign.
Macmillan have compiled a list of leaflets/ books/ DVD’s and web sites that are designed for those with learning difficulties. A comprehensive list ranging from self examinations, to being in hospital, and even terminal cancer. Click to open:-Resources for people with learning difficulties